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Are you curious about what your church Board does? Can you name the members of your current Board (a contest is being considered!).

Hi, this is Lorri Gibbard, your new Board Secretary of less than a year. We, the Board, want to ensure that all interested congregants are aware of who we are and what we do on your behalf. That you understand what we are working on, as well as how to access us and any information you might be interested in.

Starting this Fall, there will be a regular “Highlights From Your Board” in a newsletter following each Board meeting. Our first meeting is at the end of September, so look for this new section in October. Did you know that you can also request a copy of approved Board meeting minutes? Just reach out to the office to request a copy.

Your NLUC Board is a collegial group of members that commit to prayerfully guiding, directing, and supporting the staff, our ministries, and the work of our busy little church.  We meet once per month, approximately 9 times per year. We welcome any questions and would also like to invite anyone that is curious about being part of this important work (I promise you it is not boring!) to reach out to any of our Board members, or Rev. Sam to learn more. 

New faces around the table are a vital and healthy part of any organization. Curious? I’d love to chat with you!
