Our Beliefs
At this church, we're all about Jesus.

As a Christ-centred congregation, we're committed to the Apostles' Creed and the Nicene Creed as the foundational statements of the faith we hold in common with Christians across space and time.

The Apostles' Creed The Nicene Creed
Our Affiliations
We're part of a larger Christian family.

Our wider church family is called The United Church of Canada. In our area, we're part of the Pacific Mountain Regional Council, which includes all of southern BC and the Yukon.

The United Church of Canada Pacific Mountain Region
Our Faith Statements
Theology & practice

There are four statements of faith that shape and inform our theology as a denomination. From time to time, we have restated our faith to address changing contexts. The four statements below are all recognized equally as "doctrine subordinate to the primacy of Scripture."

One of the distinctive things about our tradition is that these faith statements are not held as "prescriptions" of what one must believe to belong to the church. Rather, they guide us as communities of faith in walking together on this journey of following Jesus.

We strive ...
  • To be an effective community of faith, inspiring Christian discipleship, encouraging biblical, Christian values, and nurturing Christian living.
  • To review and improve all of our programs, support and encourage our leadership, and work cooperatively with other Christians.
  • To minister to and care for the spiritual and physical needs of others – the poor, the lonely, the sick, the sorrowing.
  • To display a sense of family in all we do, welcoming and caring for all whom Christ brings to us – young and old, married and single.
  • To grow in our personal faith through prayer and Scripture, and living out life together as followers of Christ.
  • To be an inclusive community of faith and Christian love for those in our congregation and our community, regardless of race, gender, culture, religious background or sexual orientation.