10:00 AM, in-person & online

All are welcome!

What to expect

Here's a sneak peak of what happens on Sunday mornings ...

A warm welcome
Whether it's your 1st or 500th time, one of our hosts/ushers will do their best to greet you enthusiastically and help you find your way around.
People to help
Speak to one of the hosts in the narthex (foyer) to ask any questions you may have. Someone there will be happy to meet you!
Video cameras
Our services are live-streamed so that folks can participate from home or at a distance. The cameras are pointed up front, but the congregation may occasionally appear on screen.
Engaging music
Music is at the heart of who we are and what we do as a worshipping community. Sing along as you're comfortable!
Vibrant sermons
Each week's service includes a Scripture reading and 20–25 minute sermon from our minister or another member of our preaching team.
Sometimes we pray aloud together, other times the minister prays. Members of our prayer team are also  available to pray with you individually after worship.
Holy Communion
About once a month, we celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Communion. Anyone who seeks to follow Jesus is welcome at the Lord's Table, including children.
You're invited to fill out a Connection Card (grab one from the ushers) and drop it in the offering bags. We'd love to be able to follow up with you in the week ahead!
You're warmly welcomed to gather after worship downstairs in the Auditorium for refreshments and fellowship time.


Here are some answers to common questions.

Yes, yes, and Amen! Everyone is welcome and accepted here, whatever your background, family structure, sexual orientation, gender identity, visible or invisible disability status, or any other part of who you are. As Christ loves and embraces all people, so too do we strive to extend that love and embrace to all whom we meet, no conditions.

In our mountain-town atmosphere, folks tend to come dressed in a reasonably casual manner. But there are also those who appreciate the opportunity to dress in their "Sunday best" for worship. Please come attired in what feels comfortable to you!

Our services include engaging music, vibrant sermons, and liturgies that follow the seasons of the Church Year—a more traditional style, with a contemporary worship blend.

Yes! We love seeing and hearing kids in church! Most weeks, kids start off in the main service and are invited forward for a "Children's Time" with the minister before heading off to Sunday School with our Children's Ministry Coordinator and one of our committed volunteers, who invest in the faith journeys of this emerging generation. As a congregation, we also value intergenerational worship, which we feel is enhanced by the involvement of all age groups. On Communion weeks, kids start off in Sunday School and then join the main service after the sermon so that we can gather at the Table together as a whole community. During the summer, we're all together upstairs in the sanctuary, with an activity table setup for the kids.

Parking is abundant on both the church property and nearby streets. The church has an adjoining parking lot with designated New Visitor spaces, and there are two accessible parking spaces near the front doors on Osborne. Angle parking is also available immediately across from the church, adjoining Carisbrooke Park, and on the street immediately above the park, allowing for a pleasant stroll through this charming greenspace on your way to church. Our bike rack is temporarily unavailable, but if you're coming by bike, please feel free to park it inside the narthex (foyer) during the service (and make sure to show off your steed to our bike-nerd minister, who cycles to church most days!).

Yes! Route 230 stops at Bus Stop #54257, just adjacent to our front entrance on Osborne Road, and Route 241 stops at Bus Stop #54475, located on Lonsdale Ave just past Osborne. Heading home, both of these routes pick up going southbound at Bus Stop #54276, across Lonsdale Ave from the church.

Our building is aging, but we're working hard to make it as accessible as possible for everyone. Outside, there are two accessible parking stalls right beside the front doors and we normally leave a door propped open as people are gathering on Sundays. Inside, an accessible washroom is located across from the main office (down the right-hand aisle, and then down the hallway behind the front of Sanctuary) and there is an elevator/lift beside the main entrance that provides access to the lower level of the church.

Beyond Sundays
Events, programs, and connection points

Reach out to the church office with any questions!

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