Harvest Project

Harvest Project is a faith-based, grassroots charity that serves people who find themselves on the margins on the North Shore. Founded in 1993, the organization reaches out to people challenged by family break-down, illness, job loss, and the threat of homelessness and poverty. Harvest Project offers coaching + counsel, the North Shore Rent Bank, grocery + clothing support, and the Clothes for Change thrift shop. With its commitment to “extend a hand up, not a hand out”, HP recognizes the needs of the whole person and sees the unique value of each individual and family served.

Hundreds in the community receive life-changing help each month, as staff, volunteers, and resources are brought together to work with clients from across North and West Vancouver. Clients set goals and receive vital supports such as groceries/grocery gift-cards and clothing, and may benefit from interest-free Rent Bank loans that enable them to secure or sustain rental housing and utilities. HP also provides vouchers for specialized counselling and offers coaching for finding jobs. It looks to residents, businesses, churches, and community groups for resources to sustain its mission of helping to save lives - in our community, close to home.

Harvest Project impacts the community by restoring individuals and families to healthier lives – so the whole North Shore becomes a more inclusive place to live. From time to time, Harvest Project looks for volunteers – check their website for opportunities to help.

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