Church Board

Our volunteer Board is made up of members of the congregation who lead the direction and business of the church, in collaboration with our minister

Thomas Rautenbach
  • Board Chair
Lorri Gibbard
  • Board Secretary
Shirley Wolff
  • Treasurer
Richard Hampton
  • Pastoral Care & Vice Chair
Aileen Molloy
  • M&P Co-Chair
John McKellar
  • M&P Co-Chair
Hilary King
  • Outreach & Fellowship; Lay Preaching Team
Paula Campbell
  • Board Member

Music Team

We have an incredible group of musicians who help lead worship each week

Dave Crawley
Nick Apivor
John Buchanan
Buff Allen
Max Ley
Adri Rautenbach
Tracey Buchanan
Mariki Bosman
Sherri Kajiwara